

What's a Smashgrrrl?

SmashGrrrls are women and girls who by traditional standards have untraditional interests. Being a SmashGrrrl is about living a lifestyle that is self-directed and self-defined, despite social expectations that still persist about what women and girls are good at and enjoy doing. SmashGrrrl aims to encourage and normalize those interests.

Why the Name?

'Smash' refers to the smashing of gender expectations, conventions, paradigms, glass ceilings, and other limitations that still exist for women and girls. 'Grrrl' is a throwback to the feminist punk rock movement Riot Grrrl, when women united over their frustrations with the male-dominated punk rock scene and their desire to create a more pro-female music culture. These references perfectly capture the SmashGrrrl ethos.

Why Create SmashGrrrl?

Because despite so many of us now crushing it in non-traditionally-female domains, it's still hard to find graphic apparel made just for us.

And because messaging that tells women and girls they don't belong in certain fields still persists. By raising the profile of SmashGrrrls we help normalize our participation in all areas of work and play, inspiring and encouraging more of us to do the same.


To inspire, celebrate, and normalize ALL the ambitions and interests of women and girls.


To help create a world where women and girls feel emboldened to freely pursue ALL their interests and ambitions unfettered.